Auditor's opinion on IC-Report Football®.

Auditor's opinion on IC-Report Football®.

Opinion of a valuation expert and a chartered accountant and auditor on the method of extra-financial presentation of the Human-Player Capital (IC-Report Football®) as formulated in Thesaurus-Football®, standard for the evaluation and accounting of the extra-financial and financial value of the Human-Player Capital of soccer clubs.

Today, no one denies the growing inconsistency between the objective of the balance sheet, i.e. the presentation of a company's assets and liabilities, and the reality proposed by the accounting rules based on historical cost and the principle of prudence.

An increasingly important part of a company's value escapes being recorded on the balance sheet, due to the increase in intangible assets (human capital, structural capital, capital protected by rights, etc.) in a dematerialized economy.

The proposal made by the IC-Report Football®, in the specific case of a professional soccer club, seems interesting to us because it makes it possible to refine the "accounting" presentation of "real, unrecognized" elements without calling into question the history of the rules applied. it thus makes it possible to provide additional extra-financial information, which aims to correct the shares of non-activatable and therefore non-activated values, in order to come closer to a balance sheet of assets "at market value", the only one able to provide relevant information for stakeholders.

The presentation of this dual accounting system, for those soccer clubs that wish to do so, and with all the usual precautions, would allow for the gradual evolution of the financial information communicated on the assets of the clubs, bringing it closer to reality.

Frédéric Lemonier - Valuation expert
Pascal Jourdan - Chartered Accountant and Auditor